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Showing posts from July 26, 2009

Breaking The Bank...

Yes we are definitely sailing through one of the most happening times in history. It all started with the mortgage crisis in 2006 and as things worsened took few of the gigantic financial houses into it. Where is Lehman? What happened to Merill Lynch? Want to understand and hear comments from no less than Bank Of America CEO Ken Lewis. Tighten your belts to journey through the compelling times In what is believed to be one of the greatest economic meltdown after the great depression...... Video:Needs 60 minutes Breaking The Bank Video here..

Unravelling The Madoff

The biggest ponzi scheme which costed investors $65 billion. how on earth did it happen? Do you have 56 minutes...if the answer is yes...then join me in unravelling the Madoff mystery By the way It reminds me of one quote I remember from my childhood You can fool few people some time,some people all time but not All People All Time :) You will agree with me fervently after seeing this video. Check here Madoff Mystery...