Just for fun...received an email forward from a friend..thought its worth to share the laugh...njoy... Why do we sometimes write 'etc' at the end in the exam? bcoz it means... . . . . E-End of T-thinking C-capacity. ----------------------------------------- How to Create d Biggest Doubt in ur Wife's Mind 4 u? ? ? ? ? ? Just Suddenly send her SMS Saying.. "I Luv u too" . . GAME OVER.! ----------------------------------------- When do you knw ur in love? Ans. When you start searching for the cheapest mobile plan ----------------------------------------- Wht is the Diff b/w Young Age & Old Age? * Simple.. In Young Age Phone Is Full Of Darlings Numbers.. In Old Age Its Full of Doctors Numbers..!- ----------------------------------------- A Ques Asked In A Talent Test: If You Are Married To 1 Of The Twin Sisters, How wud You Recognize Your WIFE? The Best Answer - Why d Hell Should I recogn...