I am a happy youth and like to do good, but sometimes i feel why help another when the receiver doesn’t respond? To help others is a humanitarian attribute – the proof of our being human beings. Your conscience knows the truth behind this statement. Otherwise, you would not have raised this issue. Only it seems that, perhaps, someone whom you trusted and helped intimately has broken your heart! Therefore, on this issue, your perspective is a bit sour! If your intention is to really help others, then your entire concentration should be on the word ‘others’. No scope to think about oneself! The ideal of helping others is not like the give and take business – it is not a barter transaction. If we entertain the selfish idea of receiving something, even a warm ‘thanks’, the whole of idea of ‘helping’ loses its charm and worth. That’s why it is said: ‘Do a good deed and throw it into the well!’ Meaning, do good and forget about it. One day Jesus Christ cured 10 lepers of their disease. But, ...